Saturday, August 08, 2009

Rules of the Road

Me and the road. It's something. Every time I get behind the wheel of my truck I turn into some nice little ball of road rage, resplendent with middle finger action and verbose use of language. I don't know quite why, but I hate so many of the idiots I find driving around. It isn't so bad during the winter, because at least then the people in question driving have a somewhat better understanding of how to drive, especially in the snow. It's just during the summer that we get morons from other provinces who cringe at the sight of a corner and slow down -- for massive damage! The speed limit is a solid ninety kilometers an hour, but the persons in question are moving at a speed far below that. Sometimes fifty or sixty.

There is a law in place that if you are holding up traffic, to pull over and let them pass. To bad nobody actually adheres to this law, so you get these massive trains of vehicles with some family from the prairies trying to navigate through a winding mountain pass road with all the grace and aptitude of a three year old banging on a piano. It's like me with Christmas songs at that jolly time of year. I feel myself filled to the explosion point with anger at the sheer stupidity my fellow man possesses.

So, I was thinking, what with all my road rage, maybe I should weld some spikes onto the front and back of my truck and just ram people who are shitty drivers. It would certainly act as a means of diffusing my stress. And it would let the persons in front of me know just how much of a fuck up they are. That is if they aren't impaled through the back of the head by a spike. And then I'd end up in jail... But honestly, why are there so many bad drivers out there? Do the speed limit, stop being a little jerkwad, and learn to drive properly. Is it too much to ask?

Obviously yes.

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