Friday, June 21, 2013

It Can't be THAT Hard

My personal life experiences are somewhat interesting. I'm a cancer survivor. I've never broken a bone, but I've been dropped, fallen from heights and been hit by dropped and falling objects more times than I can count. This includes and is not limited to actual trees that were once standing moments before -- but that's neither here nor there. I've been to Afghanistan, deployed to active operations with the Canadian Military where I got to experience firsthand what true combat is. I've seen people die with my own eyes, how horrible death can be.

What's more is that I've fulfilled jobs with bosses that should be placed into mental institutions for how neurotic they are. I've had neighbors that had bedbug infestations and thought it'd be cool to try and spread the love. Currently, I'm almost literally stranded due to flooding with the possibility of a water boil advisory. I haven't lost power, nor been evacuated. I'm one of the lucky ones.

What does this all have to do with anything? Well, that's where the amusing thing starts. Well, at least, I find it amusing. In the most ironic sense of the word there could ever be, that is. You know that moment, when someone complains about having broken a nail? How about how you may have had to do dishes that one night? You're a teen and you were grounded and now can't go to that super-cool-awesome party. I've had to listen to kids complain ad nauseum about such things, as if the fate of their life hinges upon this one event. As though, in that moment, the decision was made as to whether or not they'd be rich, famous, beautiful, save the princess, yank the sword from the stone, conquer a nation and raise an army. No, you aren't that special, your day wasn't that hard, and just because your feet hurt and you're tired doesn't make you a superhero. Leave that to the people who actually do things and get shit done.

So I'm at work and some kid is complaining that they have to work tonight but they want to be at a party and if only their FOUR HOUR SHIFT wasn't so long. Then I laugh, because my worst day was forty hours long with no sleep -- nevermind that when this conversation is happening I'm pulling in an extra four hours of overtime. Yeah, the kids life is hard. Or even an adult is relating how their life is ruined because of the most innocuous thing. Ruined, truly? I know a man who died after a machine gun he was reloading was hit by a rocket causing it to cave in his chest killing him instantly. I don't think the word means what you think it means. Life ruined? This man is considered a hero. What have you done today?

But I suppose it may be relational. After all, experience dictates what a person might think of as the most horrible thing to ever happen in their short, silly, retarded and worthless life. I mean, what do I know? I'm just a guy surviving despite all the things that get thrown at him. Now if you'll excuse, I need to get some sleep because unlike little children, I get up in the morning with the sun for work. Because that's what real men do.

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