Monday, June 25, 2007

Dominion - Tangmarpok

Tangmarpok had three seasons: cold with snow, cold with rain and cold with sun. It was currently cold with rain, and it sloshed down the rock faces of the canyon city Tangmarpok with a vengeance, slathering the decks of the bridges that spanned the crevice in the mountains. A parade of figures marched stolidly through the downpour without umbrellas--just overcoats. A crowd of hunched people moving in an unhurried pace as though their business would get done rain, sleet, shine or snow.

It was a city set deep in the Rauwok mountain range, North of the equator on this world known by a strange name--Gre'kuquen. The sky itself above this city was streaked with small meteorites twice a year, always during the 'cold with rain' season. They were burning up now, long red and orange streaks that illuminated the thick layers of cloud with a ghastly, off-kilter glow before expiring in the atmosphere; rarely did they touch ground. Few if any in Tangmarpok paid any attention to the bombardment except for young children, and even they paid scant attention after seeing it a dozen or so times.

The military base North-East of the city, however, monitored those earthbound rocks in case some kind of entry vehicle were planted in their midst. The Vadasian people weren't like to be caught with their pants down, so to say.

A figure marched forward through the rain past the populous of animals and beasts, furred creations dressed as men, or was it men coiled in the furs of animals? He didn't know, he was one of them. Another beast clad in mans skin, or was it a man with an inner demon? Didn't matter, as he walked hunched, passing "men" and "women," some openly showing that they were giant, hulking and deathly creatures, furred with claws and fangs both.

Drenard didn't.

He could, though; no one would think less of him for being in either form, this shapeshifter. A race of shapeshifters that learnt the trait only to infiltrate and kill and debase their sole foe, a foe they now called friend and ally against the numerous other foes of the universe. Didn't matter. He pushed through a door, under the neon lights that flashed past through the air, holograms depicting items to be bought, to be sold, to be collected and numerous other things of some intricate value.

His eyes adjusted to the light.

"Sergent Romyal," a voice said from behind some kind of display, "what can I do for you?"

He looked at the man, information flashing in the backs of his eyes. A name was called up along with a photo ID, two images transposed of the man and the beast both--one person.

"Need to find something for my mother on her anibvik, Dausth," Drenard replied.

"I think I got exactly what she would like," the Vadasian said.

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