Monday, September 26, 2005

I. Hate. Moth. -- Again

From: Moth366 | Posted: 9/26/2005 6:11:09 PM | Message Detail
(Tag'd. By the way, I love the topic title. It's a welcome break from the drippy pretention that most of the old fogey vets use. >_>)

I hate Moth, and I always will. For those of you just parusing this and don't know what he means, it's the kind of titles used for duels (in forum role playing). If you don't know what dueling is, get educated:

Anyway, Moth shouldn't even be talking about being pretentious. He is pretentious bullshit personified. He's ostentatious, too. He's loved even though he out-and-out insults people. I have yet to see him actually contribute anything to the role-playing community on GameFAQs. All he does is bitch about how all the "vets" write too much, or alienate the "new guys." What new guys? There are no new guys on that god forsaken board.

And he bitches and complains about how there never is any more role playing on Random Insanity. Well, no shit. That's because all the good people left for some place better. He's deluded himself into thinking he's actually good, and does jack all to prove it. And what's worse is that people take what he says as gospel truth. Fucking retard, I say.

Bitch, moan, complain. He bashes RP/FF--the biggest role playing community--because the people there have an attitude and tell him what he really is. He doesn't like that. Aw, poor Moth. Deal with it or shut the hell up.

And no, I'm not saying I don't bitch. I bitch, too, but at least I'm active in the RPing community on GameFAQs and actually contributing something instead of sitting on the sidelines moaning about the state of RPing.

Yeesh. What can I say, I hate Moth.


- W. Visarett


Anonymous said...

Amen, dude.

Anonymous said...

I can't help it. I still think about this little footnote of our past. It's just too cute. No sarcasm, really. ^_^ Semper Fi, Vis.
