Sunday, November 27, 2005


I've been fooling around with writing of late. I'm generally always fooling around with my writing, experimenting here and there with thoughts. I like to read, too, which only aids in my mind collecting various words and phrases altogether useless or useful and interesting in their own right.

Of late I've actually received a few comments on my writing, saying how it's improved compared to some of my old works. This only inflates my ego to massive proportions leading on to a round of ego-masturbation, by which afterward I need a good deflating to humble myself enough to fit through a door. That and the arrogant bit gets old fast and nobody likes the overly cocky, arrogant fool off to get himself killed to prove he's all that and a bag of chips.

The writing in question is this:

Oily and blackened and brazen gold, the sky boiled with dark tufts of smoke and cloud and threatened to pour out tears for the fallen, the dying and the emotionally distraught. No stars, no points of light to throw hope out to--only the flames and the heat and the labored sweat of turmoil. Blood was on the air, carried by a whisper. Orange coals, too, followed, tasting the wind and giving to it their fleeting warmth before dying cold. He couldn't feel the cold or the desperation or the fear. He only felt the hatred and the rage and the desire to murder, to kill each and every one of them, to raise his jaws to their throats and rip them free. That is what he wanted this night, and any night, from before, from now and forever forward.

Just one paragraph in seven of the set. I think it's good; could be better, but as Don said to me, "It really grabs you." I could improve my writing more, as there is always room for improvement. I'm just wondering if I'll have the time to sit down and write while I'm in the army, since I did enlist not too long ago.

And in the vein of thought brought about by that, I got for my testing to see whether I am worthy of the army life on Dec 13. Not bad, plus it's at a late enough date that I can relegate myself to working toward some kind of physical fitness, and after the testing, go home for Christmas once my exams and finals are finished up. All in all, a good thing.

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