Sunday, June 09, 2013

Get Out of the Way

Oh, I had a bit of an adventure today. Earlier today. In a parking lot. I was at the point where I was actively thinking of getting into a fist fight with several people. One of which was an old man. A couple were women. And I would not have felt ashamed to have lain them up on the ground like bruised and beaten fucktards. I went to a book fair today. It's a yearly thing, and I go because it's an excellent opportunity to find rare and extremely old books. I managed to get a couple, one from the 1930's while the other is from 1880's.

Anyway, I went out to my truck to find that, after being there for two hours, the parking lot is now packed. People are desperately looking for parking spaces. And, when it is seen that I'm moving toward one with the possibility of vacating it, cars start to follow me.

So, I'm in my truck, start it up. A vehicle is waiting for me to pull out. No big deal, so I start to back out. Only, on my left a white car pulls up, blocking my ability to reverse out with a turn (backing up straight would plow me into the car directly behind and waiting to take this spot -- and there's another car behind him off to the side a bit watching me like a vulture with intent). I am effectively boxed it.

I pull forward back into the parking spot in rage that people would move their vehicles in such a way as to obstruct me in their attempt to take my spot. So, I put the truck in park and shut it off. I actually opened the door, expecting to get out and start shit. The door was open when the SUV that had been directly behind me moved into position to block the white car. I restarted my truck and reversed straight to where he had been, letting him take my spot. Seeing this, the white car (with the old man) began to get angry. Fuck him. The other SUV wasn't too pleased, either. I was still boxed in, though.

Pulling forward, behind the SUV that had just taken my spot, I intended to wait until these two idiots had moved out of the way so I could leave the parking lot. Only a van, complete with driver who wasn't paying attention at all, was beginning to back up and would have smashed into my truck had I not honked my horn. I gave that driver, another wonderful man, the most severe look I could muster that probably suggested I would go Mortal Kombat on him and remove his spine via his mouth and beat him to death with it like a whip.

That driver stopped. It took a minute for these two drives in the vehicles behind me to get the clue that, no, there wasn't an available spot and to move on because I wouldn't (and couldn't) be moving until they did. I got out of the parking lot consumed in my typical rage wondering what the fuck is wrong with drivers and why they can't have common sense.

So yeah, that was my day yesterday.

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