Saturday, February 03, 2007

Laziness Strikes Again!

Everyone is inherently lazy. Even the most active of writers are lazy in some respect. Duelists and role-players are no exception. You'll find that we're all lazy on some level, whether it be in the time it takes them to write a post, or when it comes to the creation of their character and its background. An interesting thing, at least I find, is that some role players seem to gloss over the motivating factor behind their character.

Their character shines, sparkles, has that new-car gleam and smell to them. They go from 0 to 240 MPH in sixty seconds, can pull off amazing acrobatic moves and is capable of slaughtering whole armies without breaking a sweat. And we have no clue as to why said character with all this ability is doing it. We don't know their motivation, their reasoning. All we know is that they're off killing.

Some people attempt to counter-act this and give a passing glance at their "motivation," which sometimes really isn't much motivation for a person to fight. Tournaments, yeah, you're there to win. It's a tourney, state it as such. But the "random encounter duel," you need a reason to be fighting. It's that simple. You can suddenly just jump at each others' throats unless your characters are nothing more than rambling, psychotic creatures.

So, where's the motivation? And better yet, where's mine?


- W. Visarett

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