Sunday, February 04, 2007

Okay, yeah...

So, I guess I'm more than likely, in all actually am, going to be using this blog again just for simple blogging purposes, even though its original design was to be used as a space to talk about role playing and dueling. Then again, I could do that at the odd interval where I feel like it, but then I'd need someone to bother to ask me a question and I sit around thinking about a good way to answer said question. So, until people start asking relevant questions, I'm going to sit here twiddling my thumbs and posting crap that's going on in my life that really isn't relevant to dueling or role playing in the slightest.

Anyway, I finally made it to battalion. You can ooh and ahh all you want. I think it's a pretty sweet deal, being treated like a person again. Having my evenings off to do what I want. Being able to lounge around on the weekend without worry of it being taken away suddenly without warning. And the fact that I can do most anything I want (since I don't have a car, I can't just up and leave for the next town on the weekends).

Well, anyway, I'm on course. I'm being trained to be a LAV III (Light Armored Vehicle) driver. Should be good. In the meantime, before said course, I've been taking other courses. I'm currently doing my G-Wagon/LUVW driver/wheel course. A lot of driving in the course of two weeks. Most of it's bullshit, though, since I already have my license. The course is designed more for people who have never even touched, let alone seen, a car in their entire life. Pretty boring some of the classes I was subjugated to, but oh well.

On the gaming front, I fool around with my PSP playing Killzone: Liberation on/off. I've also gotten back into Tibia. Who didn't see that coming? I always figured I'd gravitate back into that game, and I did. Luckily, my skills are slowly going up, which is a nice change of pace. 64/47. Not too, too shabby, although I'd rather had a distance skill of 70+ for my level 25 Paladin. Yeah, I'm way to geeky for my own good. So much so, that I ordered in Justice League: Unlimited Season 2 on DVD, and it isn't even out yet. Also Batman Beyond Season 3. Add on the books, and, well, yeah, I'm a geek.

There's also the fact I've been getting back into working on my site. Now if only I could find that muse of mine that I lost somewhere and get back into writing. Dueling and role playing wouldn't be a bad idea, either. Although sometimes I wonder if I've grown out of that. Who knows. Maybe someday I'll find out when my disgruntled brain decides to work with me on a common subject matter. Until then, I'm mentally retarded and confused, and you, the reader, are even more fucked up. Thank you.

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