Saturday, February 23, 2008

WPCA - Welcome to Hell, Enjoy Your Stay Prt 5

The drink certainly was stiff. It was dead body stiff. Rigor mortise set in five days ago and rotting stiff. It smelled of it, too. He said it was whiskey. It didn't even begin to smell like whiskey. The glass wasn't clean, either. It had smeared mud stuff on it. Brown, caked on something. Demon didn't even touch it. Wouldn't touch it or drink it. Only grimace that this was in fact the cleanest glass available and the best whiskey in house. The best booze. He looked around. Someone was puking in a corner, heaving away. The sound of his retching unnerved Demon. Plus it looked like someone was pissing behind the flatscreen that was hanging off the wall. He had gotten up on a chair just so he could piss behind the TV.

Beast picked up the glass and downed the whole thing in a single shot. Demon could only stare wide-eyed.

"You are aware of the lack of sanitation?"

Beast looked at him with a blank expression suggesting he hadn't, and neither had the rest of the clientel.

"So, what're we going to do about the Trio?" Sniper asked.

"I'm not going to do anything."

"Why not?"

"Because it isn't my fight."

"Well, the Imperials are too busy with the Fascintern to be able to do something about it."

"The Fascintern are real?"

"Well, not really, but like I said."

"Oh, oh yeah. I got ya."

Beast, who had been quiet for a moment, brightened, then said "We could get Drago and Corbow to help! They'd be in for this!"

"And who are they?" Demon asked.

"A couple Imperials," Sniper said.

"I thought you said the Imperials were busy with the Fascintern."

"Well, not ALL the Imperials. Just...most of them."

"So where do we find them?"

"Where indeed!"

And then they were off, Beast humming the Batman tune behind them. Demon told him to stop that, so Beast hummed a Crazy Train. Demon again said stop that as they walked down the street. Beast then hummed a tune he didn't recognize. Demon asked him what it was. Beast said it was a song titled "Let's Get Fucked Up and Die." His face dropped to the ground, at which point Sniper took a snow shovel to pick it up off (not literally) and place it back into place (almost literally) before patting Demon on the shoulder like he understood (again, almost literally), but then, Sniper had been shotting at Barbie dolls wrestling over ruby stilettos.

When would the day end?

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